NO flat boring paddocks on our treks! You are in charge of steering your own horse as we ride up to the top of the hill with awesome views across the Waikato. We go through native bush, beside streams and across rolling hill country. If you are feeling adventurous we will take you on challenging tracks that let you discover just where a horse can go. We also have plenty of gentler tracks extending over 550 acres of beautiful countryside.
How does it work?
It’s important to arrive at least 20 minutes before the trek leaves; which is generally 9.40am for a 10.00am trek, and 12.40pm for a 1.00pm trek. There are bathroom and changing facilities in the car park for your comfort.
Near the arena where your guides are busy saddling and preparing the horses you will see a selection of helmets laid out. Make sure that everyone in your group selects a helmet that fits comfortably. If you booked too late to pay online have your cash ready to pay for your group - we don’t have EFTPOS. We normally have several groups of people booked on public treks, if you arrive late you may miss the trek departure or get a shorter ride. As soon as the trek leader is free they will check you in, collect payment and give you a disclaimer form to sign. Parents must sign the form for children who are under 16.
The trek leader will give a demonstration lesson on basic riding skills and then you will walk over and line up where we have a large log with steps to assist with getting on. We ask more experienced riders to go to the back of the line so that we can get the absolute beginners and least experienced people on first.
Near the arena where your guides are busy saddling and preparing the horses you will see a selection of helmets laid out. Make sure that everyone in your group selects a helmet that fits comfortably. If you booked too late to pay online have your cash ready to pay for your group - we don’t have EFTPOS. We normally have several groups of people booked on public treks, if you arrive late you may miss the trek departure or get a shorter ride. As soon as the trek leader is free they will check you in, collect payment and give you a disclaimer form to sign. Parents must sign the form for children who are under 16.
The trek leader will give a demonstration lesson on basic riding skills and then you will walk over and line up where we have a large log with steps to assist with getting on. We ask more experienced riders to go to the back of the line so that we can get the absolute beginners and least experienced people on first.
The guides select horses and match them to customers based on size, shape, age (for children) and ability. You take turns to step up on the mounting block log and get on the horse selected for you. The guides will adjust your stirrups to your leg length and check the saddle girth.
Riders identified as experienced will be able to check their own girth, mount from the ground and adjust their own stirrups. Guides will ask you to confirm your level of experience then select and bring a horse across to you. We want genuine experienced riders to have a great time and we aim to choose horses that are more responsive to riding aids or ones requiring a more developed level of skill, depending on your interest.
When everyone is on the guides get on their own horses and the trek leaves together. The trek time begins from when the trek goes out the gate so please allow yourselves plenty of time since late arrivals delay the departure for everyone.
Riders identified as experienced will be able to check their own girth, mount from the ground and adjust their own stirrups. Guides will ask you to confirm your level of experience then select and bring a horse across to you. We want genuine experienced riders to have a great time and we aim to choose horses that are more responsive to riding aids or ones requiring a more developed level of skill, depending on your interest.
When everyone is on the guides get on their own horses and the trek leaves together. The trek time begins from when the trek goes out the gate so please allow yourselves plenty of time since late arrivals delay the departure for everyone.
A typical trek
Want to know what a trek looks like? This short YouTube video shows clips from a fairly typical 2 hour trek, with a mixture of beginner and experienced riders, adults and children.

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